My Current Setup


Since I like to work with a lot of languages and have to work with a lot of them professionally as well, my choice of IDE is the IntelliJ IDEA, which includes just about every language that Jetbrains supports in a single package (which seriously is a lot).

The fonts I use are Iosevka Alie at Size 13 for the UI, and Iosevka Extended at Size 14 for the code.

The themes I use are Rider Day and Rider Night, sent to sync with the OS dark mode setting (yes, I use a light theme during the day because I live in the tropics and my room has excellent windows)


The terminal ofc is in dark mode (you can’t get the Hackerman asthetic without that). It’s an iTerm2 setup with oh-my-zsh and Powerlevel10K for the snazzy UI

The prompt style uses the Rainbow preset from p10k configuration wizard (with some small customizations). The color scheme is Jetbrains Darcula and the fonts are Iosevka Term Extended for ASCII characters and Nerd Fonts (any will do) for the non-ascii symbols


My macOS install is fairly simple with no crazy customizations. The desktop is ultra-clean with absolutely zero icons of any kind on it. The wallpaper is Oregon Sunset from the built-in collection.

The main apps I use are:

  • Safari, mostly because it’s efficient and has a clean, minimalistic look. I use the Adguard Plugin since the state of the web is bad without adblockers
  • MonitorControl for controlling the brightness of my external usb-c monitors
  • 1password for password management
  • Zed Editor for when I need to quickly edit a random file
  • Paw for working with HTTP apis (Postman is electron-heavy junk and requires an account???)
  • TablePlus for working with databases
  • Notion for managing and taking notes
  • Davinci Resolve for video editing tasks


My iOS device mostly contains any iphone versions of the above apps, apart from the usual social media, taxi and food/grocery apps. It’s kinda weird how appliance like smartphones have become.


With the amount of power these Apple Silicon chips pack these days, you can literally use them as a desktop, which is what I do.

  • M1 Macbook Air (256GB/16GB config)
  • Dell U2720Q Monitor for that sweet usb-c, built-in usb dock and color accuracy
  • Samsung T7 external ssd because Apple ssd prices are ridiculous
  • Sony WH-1000XM5 noise-cancelling headphones as my main drivers
  • Sony WF-1000XM4 for on the go earphones
  • Playstation 5 because Nvidia was demanding too much during the pandemic. Plus all those Sony exclusive single player games
  • Random IKEA desk and chair because that’s what you got during the early days of the pandemic


  • Zoho Mail for handling all my email with my domain