
I’m Tarak Sharma, a Full Stack Developer driven by a passion for writing cutting-edge code and solving interesting problems while writing that code.

Specializing in both front-end and back-end technologies (and any other kind of technologies really), I try to craft seamless user experiences while ensuring that my work meets my own weirdly high standards, which often at cross-purposes with my desire to release that code.

My free time is mostly spent my playing video games and reading/doing whatever piques my fancy at that time. I find it a good way to learn random things that could help me out in my work that I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.

My Core Expertise:

Languages: VB6, Typescript, PHP, Kotlin, Java, C#, Rust, CSS
Front-end Frameworks: React, Vue, Tailwind, React Native, Remix, Astro
Back-end Frameworks: Laravel, Spring Boot, Express, Adonis
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis

The list is non-exhaustive. I particularly pride myself on being flexible and generalist enough to work on any new language or platform within days while learning and following the best practices of that platform.